Nanopore-containing substrates with aligned nanoscale electronic elements and methods of making and using same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11782047
APP PUB NO 20210341459A1





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A nanopore-containing substrate includes a substrate, a membrane on the substrate, and at least one nanoscale electronic element disposed on or embedded in the membrane. The membrane defines at least one nanopore. The nanoscale electronic element is aligned with one of the nanopores such that a shortest distance between an edge of the nanoscale electronic element and the edge of the nanopore is less than 50 nm. The nanopores may be formed by etching through a dielectric layer using a solution while applying a voltage to the nanoscale electronic element relative to the solution. The nanopore-containing substrate can be used to detect or sequence a biopolymer, such as a nucleic acid. The nanopore-containing substrate may be used with a biopolymer detection and/or sequencing system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Alden, Jonathan Ithaca, US 2 9
Barnard, Arthur Hayward, US 3 14
Cortese, Alejandro Ithaca, US 2 9
McEuen, Paul Newfield, US 5 25

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