Dynamic load balancing

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5860137





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A method of operating a data storage system that includes a plurality of host connections for connecting host processors to the data storage system. The data stroage system includes digital storage that is partitioned into a plurality of volumes. The method includes the steps of mapping the plurality of volumes to the plurality of host connections so that each of the host connections has associated therewith a corresponding subset of the volumes and wherein a host processor connected to any given one of the host connections is able to access only the volumes that are mapped to that host connection. In the data storage system, supporting a connect and a disconnect command. The connect command enables a host processor to map a designated one of the volumes to a designated one of the host connections; and the disconnect command enables a host processor to unmap a designated one of the volumes from a designated one of the host connections.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Raz, Yoav Newton, MA 29 4554
Scherr, Allan L Framingham, MA 3 538

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