Control device of vehicle

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11402856
APP PUB NO 20210034074A1





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An electronic control unit of a vehicle includes (a) a target operating point setting unit that calculates a request driving force requested for a vehicle, and set a target engine operating point through a slow change process for obtaining an engine output that slowly changes with respect to a request engine output implementing the request driving force, (b) a smoothing factor setting unit that changes a smoothing factor used for the slow change process according to an amount of change in a turbocharging pressure in the engine and sets the smoothing factor to a smaller value when the amount of change in the turbocharging pressure is smaller than when the amount of change in the turbocharging pressure is larger, and (c) a drive controller that controls the engine and the continuously variable transmission such that the engine operating point is the target engine operating point.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hiasa, Yasuhiro Miyoshi, JP 37 263
Matsubara, Tooru Toyota, JP 223 2926
Okuda, Koichi Toyota, JP 181 757
Tabata, Atsushi Okazaki, JP 476 7885

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