Camera lens smoothing method and portable terminal

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11968449





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A camera lens smoothing method includes: obtaining a current video frame of a camera video and gyroscope information of the current video frame, and calculating a current first rotation matrix; conducting smoothing on the first rotation matrix, and calculating a third rotation matrix; conducting viewpoint decomposition on the current video frame according to the third rotation matrix, and calculating a fourth rotation matrix; and conducting 3D rotation on the current video frame according to the fourth rotation matrix, and rebuilding an anti-shake video.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Cong Shenzhen, CN 102 292
Guo, Zhuo Shenzhen, CN 34 225
Liu, Jingkang Shenzhen, CN 23 91

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Fee Large entity fee small entity fee micro entity fee due date
3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Oct 23, 2027
7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Oct 23, 2031
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Oct 23, 2035
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