Motor grader saddle positioning system and method thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11066809
APP PUB NO 20200131732A1





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A draft frame positioning system of a motor grader having a main frame includes an adjustable draft frame configured to be moved to one of a plurality of positions and a moldboard coupled to the draft frame. The moldboard is movable based on the position of the draft frame. A saddle assembly is coupled between the draft frame and the main frame, and the saddle assembly includes a first saddle arm, a second saddle arm, and a saddle top member coupled between the first and second saddle arms. A saddle positioning cylinder moves between an extended position and a retracted position, and the cylinder is coupled at one end to the main frame or the saddle top member and at an opposite end to the saddle assembly. A movement of the saddle positioning cylinder induces movement of the draft frame to any of its plurality of positions.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fochs, Joseph B Dubuque, US 4 20
Zell, Adam Dubuque, US 10 192

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