Generator and method for controlling a generator

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United States of America

PATENT NO 10516357





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A switched reluctance generator and devices and methods for its control are concerned with generators and controls which can operate in an aerospace environment. The generator may have: a rotor having rotor poles; a stator having stator poles; and a controller. Either the rotor or stator poles each have windings to which current can be supplied to energise the poles and from which current can be drawn to a load; and the controller is arranged to: periodically excite each of the windings in turn to a pre-determined level of current; measure the current generated in each winding; cease the excitation when the current generated in each winding exceeds the excitation current; and direct the generated current in each winding to the load. The generator may thereby avoid the need to determine the position of the rotor poles relative to the stator poles to provide the commutation of the generator.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Turvey, Simon Derby, GB 14 115

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Jun 24, 2027
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