Flexible carrier for semiconductor wafer cassettes

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4762353





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An apparatus for holding and transporting semiconductor material cassettes during processing of the semiconductor material. There is a tray having at least one cassette station thereon. This cassette station comprises a cassette supporting surface, a first pair of substantially parallel cassette guides on the supporting surface, and a second pair of substantially parallel cassette guides on the supporting surface located between and substantially at right angles to the first pair. The first and second pairs of parallel cassette guides form a generally rectangular boundary. A handle neck extends upwardly from the same side of the tray as the cassette guides. A handle crosspiece is connected to the handle neck and has a bearing surface oriented substantially parallel to the plane of the tray. A picker is also disclosed for engaging the handle neck and handle crosspiece, and can be used as the end effector of a robot arm that provides lifting power and transport motion.

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Molinaro, James S Whitehall, PA 5 111

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