Pipe guide

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7251902
APP PUB NO 20070175059A1





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A pipe guide includes a pipe receiving body comprising two sections. The two sections are joined by a hinge to allow the pipe-receiving body to be opened and closed about a pipe. The pipe-receiving body circumferentially surrounds a pipe in a closed position. The pipe receiving body includes one or more marking slots. The marking slots allow the pipe inside the pipe-receiving body to be marked in a predetermined pattern. The pipe guide includes a hinged disposed longitudinally on the exterior of the pipe receiving body. A device disposed inside the hinge retains the pipe-receiving body in a closed position around the pipe. The pipe receiving body is cylindrical having first and second ends. The first end can be substantially perpendicular to the axis of the pipe receiving body and configured to allow the pipe to be marked at a 90 degree angle. The first end can be at any other angle (e.g., 45 degree, 22 1/2 degree) or can have a predetermined shape or a pattern. The second end can have a predetermined shape (e.g., saddle shape) or the second end can be at a predetermined angle (e.g., 90 degree, 45 degree, 22 1/2 degree).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Mueller, Frederick Harold San Angelo, TX 3 48

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