Wavelength dispersion amount estimation method, wavelength dispersion compensation circuit, and reception device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8971703
APP PUB NO 20130343749A1





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A wavelength dispersion amount estimation method, a wavelength dispersion compensation circuit, and a receiving device which rapidly estimate and set a wavelength dispersion amount to compensate with high accuracy at the receiving device which compensates waveform distortion at an optical fiber transmission path. The wavelength dispersion compensation circuit includes an analog-digital converter which converts an optical analog waveform received from the optical fiber transmission path to a digital signal, a digital signal processor which compensates waveform distortion of the digital signal output from the analog-digital converter due to wavelength dispersion at the optical fiber transmission path with a dispersion compensation amount estimated with the wavelength dispersion amount estimation method, and a symbol clock extractor which extracts a symbol arrival timing clock of received data contained in the digital signal output from the analog-digital converter and outputs strength of the symbol arrival timing clock as the clock detection value.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ishihara, Koichi Musashino, JP 86 577
Ishikawa, Mitsuteru Musashino, JP 12 4
Kobayashi, Takayuki Musashino, JP 216 2123
Kudo, Riichi Musashino, JP 53 490
Nakagawa, Tadao Musashino, JP 16 288
Tomizawa, Masahito Musashino, JP 48 454
Yamazaki, Etsushi Musashino, JP 48 357

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