Official account quick response code generation method and server, official account following method and server, and terminal

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10445392
APP PUB NO 20170357726A1





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The present disclosure relates to an official account quick response code generation method performed at a computer server, the method comprising: obtaining an association request, the association request comprising an operator identifier, an official account list, and authorization information of multiple official accounts in the official account list; obtaining description information corresponding to each official account from a corresponding official account server according to the authorization information of the official account; associatively storing the operator identifier, the official accounts, and the corresponding description information; obtaining a quick response code generation request, the quick response code generation request carrying the operator identifier and at least one to-be-promoted official account in the official account list; and generating a promotion link corresponding to the operator identifier according to the quick response code generation request, and converting the promotion link into a quick response code.

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Pan, Linfeng Shenzhen, CN 1 2

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