Thrust line wheel alignment apparatus and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4569140





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Apparatus and a method for aligning the rolling plane of each of the wheels of a car, truck, trailer or other wheeled vehicle to factory specifications and to be parallel to the thrust line of the rearmost wheels. The apparatus comprises various embodiments of an adjustable stationary reference 'halo', mountable in concentric relation about a vehicle or trailer, and relative to which individual gauge assemblies mounted to each of the wheels detects each wheel's toe condition and permits the determination of the vehicle or trailer thrust line and the correction of the rear suspension thereto. Wheel mountable caster, camber and king-pin inclination/strut angle detecting assemblies, in turn, permit the detection of each of these respective conditions for each wheel and the correction of each condition in relation to the established thrust line.

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Hobson, John A 5f317 Benton Ave., Edina, MN 55436 3 39

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