Target detecting apparatus using electronically agile radar

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7663537
APP PUB NO 20080088498A1





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A target detecting apparatus mounted on a vehicle has an electronically agile radar detecting a beat signal indicating a difference in frequency between transmission and reception signals and producing a time series of N reception data from the beat signal, a determining unit determining search areas placed at different ranges of distance from the vehicle while considering a running state of the vehicle and determining a data length for each search area, an extracting unit extracting (N−M+1) time series of short time data, respectively, having the data length corresponding to M reception data from the N reception data for each search area, a producing unit producing phase information from the short time data for each search area, and a detecting unit determining a target distance and a target bearing from the phase information and detecting a target from the target distance and the target bearing.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Natsume, Kazuma Kariya, JP 35 991
Suzuki, Koichiro Yokohama, JP 36 515
Yamano, Chiharu Tokyo, JP 20 365

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