Quantum memory systems and quantum repeater systems comprising doped polycrystalline ceramic optical devices and methods of manufacturing the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11715521
APP PUB NO 20220270684A1





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A method of manufacturing a doped polycrystalline ceramic optical device includes mixing a plurality of transition metal complexes and a plurality of rare-earth metal complexes to form a metal salt solution, heating the metal salt solution to form a heated metal salt solution, mixing the heated metal salt solution and an organic precursor to induce a chemical reaction between the heated metal salt solution and the organic precursor to produce a plurality of rare-earth doped crystalline nanoparticles, and sintering the plurality of rare-earth doped nanoparticles to form a doped polycrystalline ceramic optical device having a rare-earth element dopant that is uniformly distributed within a crystal lattice of the doped polycrystalline ceramic optical device.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brown, Jason Allen Elmira, US 5 16
Gray, Stuart Corning, US 35 228
Ketcham, Thomas Dale Horseheads, US 63 623
Nolan, Daniel Aloysius Corning, US 99 2003
Senaratne, Wageesha Horseheads, US 81 656
Yang, Jun Horseheads, US 726 7535
Zhang, Haitao Ithaca, US 158 1085

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