Holding apparatus for sample carriers, and method for introducing and withdrawing a sample carrier

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11311886
APP PUB NO 20180290144A1





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The invention relates to a holding apparatus (100) for sample carriers (200) for use in cryomicroscopy, encompassing: a body having at least one sample carrier receptacle that comprises at least one sample carrier support surface against which at least one sample carrier (200) is abuttable; at least one first sample carrier holding means (121); and at least one second sample carrier holding means (131) that is configured to impinge upon the sample carrier (200) with force against the first sample carrier holding means (121); and to an arrangement having a manipulation container and such a holding apparatus (100), and to methods for introducing and withdrawing a sample carrier (200).

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gaechter, Leander Oberriet SG, CH 6 8
Lihl, Reinhard Vienna, AT 31 197
Mimietz-Oeckler, Saskia Röthlein, DE 1 2

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