Pairing a remote control device to a vehicle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11429095
APP PUB NO 20200249668A1





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A remote control device that is paired with a first vehicle, such that the remote control device wirelessly communicates with the first vehicle, is paired with a second vehicle via a pairing process. The pairing process is initiated by physically contacting a component of the remote control device with an element of the second vehicle. The pairing process also unpairs the remote control device from the first vehicle, such that the remote control device no longer wirelessly communicates with the first vehicle, and the remote control device wirelessly communicates with the second vehicle.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Duckworth, Paul Holland, US 14 955
Luthman, Trisha M Covington, US 17 81
Meiring, Donald T Osgood, US 10 46
Pilcher, Kent D Holland, US 15 288
Pulskamp, Steven R New Bremen, US 45 718
Schloemer, James New Bremen, US 3 4
Shinew, Matthew T Ada, US 6 25
Woodruff,, III Vern I Kenton, US 6 20

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Feb 28, 2026
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