Systems and methods for generating customizable mirrored effects with interchangeable and programmable infinity mirrors

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11578853
APP PUB NO 20220373160A1





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Disclosed is an enhanced infinity mirror with an application interface for controlling and/or changing the illumination, reflection, and/or other effects produced by the enhanced infinity mirror. The enhanced infinity mirror may include a first reflective surface, a second reflective surface positioned relative to the first reflective surface, and light sources that generate an infinity effect based on reflections off the first reflective surface and the second reflective surface. The application interface may receive a pattern, and may control illumination of different sets of the light sources at different times according to the pattern by illuminating a first set of the light sources with first colors for a first duration as defined in a first step of the pattern, and a second set of the light sources with second colors for a second duration as defined in a second step of the pattern.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Sanders, John Walter Belleville, US 2 1
Stephens, Sean Conrad Los Angeles, US 2 1

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