Endoscope system having a first light source for imaging a subject at different depths and a second light source having a wide band visible band

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11070739





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An endoscope system of the present invention includes: a first illumination unit that emits first illumination light for imaging two sets of image information about a subject at different depths; a second illumination unit that emits second illumination light having a wide band covering a visible band from a position different from the position of the first illumination light; an imaging unit that images a first illumination image and a second illumination image of the subject that is illuminated with the first illumination light and the second illumination light; a separation processing unit that separates the two sets of image information from the first illumination image; and a separated-image generating unit that generates two separated images by processing the second illumination image using the two sets of image information.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kubo, Hiroyuki Tokyo, JP 99 1009
Matsumoto, Koji Tokyo, JP 214 1594
Oka, Tetsuhiro Tokyo, JP 9 43
Shinji, Sho Tokyo, JP 11 73
Urushibata, Kenji Tokyo, JP 2 17

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