Can crusher

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4213387





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A can crusher having an upstanding stationary platen and an upstanding movable platen, the movable platen being reciprocated with respect to the stationary platen. Both platens are canted with their upper ends closer together than their lower ends so that, when a can is placed in the crusher with the can in contact with the platens, the platens trap and hold the can in the crusher and concentrate the crushing forces over a narrow portion of the can perimeter at the beginning of the crushing of the can resulting in a reduction in the total force required to crush the can.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bocksruker, Ronald W 11408 Albata St., Los Angeles, CA 90049 3 45
McCaney, Carlos P 20119 S. Hillford, Carson, CA 90746 1 29

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