Method and system for extending IP PBX services to cellular wireless communication devices

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7406330
APP PUB NO 20060030357A1





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An IP PBX system that serves enterprise telephones via a landline IP network connection is be expanded to serve cellular wireless communication devices (WCD) via a cellular wireless carrier's radio access network (RAN). Calls to and from the cellular WCD are connected through the cellular carrier's RAN and the IP PBX system, so that the IP PBX system can control and manage the calls just as the IP PBX would control and manage calls involving other extensions on the IP PBX. A cellular WCD thereby becomes an IP PBX client station, i.e., an extension on the IP PBX system. As such, the cellular WCD can seamlessly benefit from many of the same IP PBX features that other more conventional IP PBX client stations (e.g., desk phones) enjoy.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
McConnell, Von K Leawood, KS 59 4758
Paczkowski, Lyle W Mission Hills, KS 190 3690
Phillips, Jeffrey F Lees Summit, MO 8 364
Weaver, Farni Spring Hill, KS 18 593
Weiland, Dorene Lake Lotawana, MO 1 94
Woodson, Charles E Peculiar, MO 13 560

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