Method for producing by cell-free protein synthesis system using thioredoxin-fused protein expression vector

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7253144
APP PUB NO 20050255542A1





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We claim a method of expression a thioredoxin-fused membrane protein comprising expressing said thioredoxin-fused membrane protein in a cell-free protein synthesis system in the presence of a non-ionic detergent. It is preferable that the fused membrane protein which is a highly hydrophobic protein, e.g., a G protein-coupled receptor, can be produced in a state being highly soluble and capable of forming a biologically active three-dimensional structure. Also, this invention provides a recombinant polynucleotide encoding said thioredoxin-fused membrane protein which is expressed in the cell-free protein synthesis system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Goto, Mie Yokohama, JP 2 4
Ishihara, Goushi Yokohama, JP 2 3
Kigawa, Takanori Yokohama, JP 14 16
Saeki, Mihoro Yokohama, JP 4 28
Shirouzu, Mikako Yokohama, JP 18 35
Tajima, Kaori Yokohama, JP 21 141
Yokoyama, Shigeyuki Yokohama, JP 81 774

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