Rearview assembly with piezo vibration dampening

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11945370
APP PUB NO 20210339680A1





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A rearview assembly is disclosed. The rearview assembly comprises a reflective element and/or a display element. Further, the rearview assembly comprises an array of piezo-electric sensors. The array of piezo-electric sensors may be operable to sense a first vibration. Further, based, at least in part, on sensing the first vibration, the array of piezo-electric sensors may be operable to output a second vibration. In some embodiments, the second vibration may be operable to substantially dampen the first vibration. In other embodiments, the second vibration may be operable to provide haptic feedback to a user interfacing with a touch screen surface of the rearview assembly.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Lundy, Eric S Holland, US 20 18

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