Method and apparatus for RFID initiated interactive retail merchandising

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7830259





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An apparatus and method to detect consumer choices of products by use of RFID tags associated with a product and RFID readers to detect movement of the tag, which can initiate a presentation of relevant digital media based on the event and tag detected. The present invention is a new method of utilizing digital merchandising software, and RFID tags or other similar emitter identification tags as a potential input technology. The concept of the present invention can be considered a concept of “reverse RFID”, where the RFID reader and supporting CPU keeps track of tags in proximity to the reader and then triggering events based on separation from reader (i.e. the RFID reader no longer detects the presence of an RFID tag because the tag has been moved out of the range of the reader). The movement of the tag out of the detection range of the reader can be the result of a potential customer picking up a product and removing it from the shelf, where the product has an RFID tag associated therewith.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dorsey, Matthew T Lincoln, US 1 50
Walker, Bradley K Lincoln, US 7 311

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