Emblem assembly and method of forming same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9056441
APP PUB NO 20130196089A1





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A method of forming an emblem assembly configured for attachment to a vehicle includes positioning a mask adjacent and in contact with a second element so that the mask covers only a selected portion of the second element and does not cover an exposed portion of the second element. The method includes vacuum metalizing a first coating onto only the exposed portion, wherein the first coating has a distal edge surface abutting the mask, and, after vacuum metalizing, removing the mask from the second element to uncover the selected portion. The method includes depositing a back coating onto only the first coating and the selected portion to thereby wrap the back coating around the distal edge surface, and, after depositing, inserting the second element into a first element configured for attachment to the vehicle so that the first coating does not contact the first element to form the assembly.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Balogh, Michael P Novi, US 76 430
Buehler, Charles K Lansing, US 37 248
Colombo, Joel Howell, US 22 531
Gong, Kitty L Macomb, US 7 23
Gusie, Mary K Grand Blanc, US 1 5
Ostrander, Catherine A Grand Blanc, US 8 47

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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