Performing an action based on a number of transmissions reaching a threshold

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10904772
APP PUB NO 20180343572A1





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Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for performing an action based on a number of transactions reaching a threshold. One method includes determining whether a number of transmissions to a network unit has reached a predetermined threshold. The method includes, in response to the number of transmissions to the network unit reaching the predetermined threshold, performing an action selected from a group including: inhibiting communications with the network unit; determining a type of system information being requested by the number of transmissions and inhibiting communications with the network unit based on the type of system information; determining whether to inhibit communications with the network unit based on a configuration of a remote unit; and performing additional transmissions to the network unit.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Basu, Mallick Prateek Langen, DE 482 3794
Kuchibhotla, Ravi Clarendon Hills, US 492 7335
Loehr, Joachim Wiesbaden, DE 542 5434

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