Golf swing training device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7938733





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A golf swing training device comprising an illuminator mounted on the shaft of a golf club and a detector assembly including a light sensor strategically located around the stomach region of the golfer. The illuminator provides a relatively narrow beam of light wave energy, preferably along an axis that is generally coincident with the longitudinal axis of the club. The illuminator may be pulse modulated, to provide a frequency encoded light output. The detector assembly detects the light output from the illuminator, and produces a buzzing sound or a vibrating sensation, to alert the golfer that the club is following a correct path and position through the golf swing. The detector assembly may include optical filtering and signal conditioning to reduce the effects of ambient light. With such sensory feedback, the golfer develops muscle training for a consistent and correct swing pattern.

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Bell, Bradley E Sacramento, US 1 0

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