System and method for processing audio data into a plurality of frequency components

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11823691
APP PUB NO 20230162747A1





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An encoder operable to filter audio signals into a plurality of frequency band components, generate quantized digital components for each band, identify a potential for pre-echo events within the generated quantized digital components, generate an approximate signal by decoding the quantized digital components using inverse pulse code modulation, generate an error signal by comparing the approximate signal with the sampled audio signal, and process the error signal and quantized digital components. The encoder operable to process the error signal by processing delayed audio signals and Q band values, determining the potential for pre-echo events from the Q band values, and determining scale factors and MDCT block sizes for the potential for pre-echo events. The encoder operable to transform the error signal into high resolution frequency components using the MDCT block sizes, quantize the scale factors and frequency components, and encode the quantized lines, block sizes, and quantized scale factors for inclusion in the bitstream.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Genova, Barry M Bothell, US 17 141
Hor, King Wei Redmond, US 12 260
Johnston, James David Redmond, US 58 2253
White, Stephen Daniel Woodinville, US 9 21

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