Methods, modems and computer program products for identification of a modem type and adjustment of a communication configuration based on modem type

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6757325





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Methods, modems and computer program products for detecting whether a remote modem is of a particular design type and for adjusting the communication configuration for a communication session based on a type of the remote modem. The modem type is recognized based on a knowledge that the modem design of certain manufacturers has a unique associated data pattern contained within the startup communication sequence which is not specified by the protocol but which can be demodulated and detected to thereby recognize that the remote modem is a particular manufacturer's design type. Based on knowledge of the characteristics of the remote modem design, various steps are taken which may improve performance of the communication connection in light of the particular modem design's characteristics. For example, a different Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) threshold may be used for falling back to V.34 communications when the remote modem design only supports up to 2 look ahead for spectrum shaping.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Abdelilah, Youssef Holly Springs, NC 17 458
Davis, Gordon Taylor Chapel Hill, NC 101 2173
Dholakia, Ajay Gattikon, CH 76 899
Hwang, Dongming Cary, NC 29 595
Neeser, Fredy D Langnau, CH 37 450
Schule, Robert John Cary, NC 4 134
Ware, Malcolm Scott Raleigh, NC 59 1100
Ye, Hua Durham, NC 58 1233

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