NAND flash memory with erase verify based on shorter evaluation time

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7362616
APP PUB NO 20070030730A1





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A non-volatile memory device is proposed. The non-volatile memory device includes a plurality of memory cells each one having a programmable threshold voltage, and means for reading a set of selected memory cells with respect to a plurality of reference voltages, for each selected memory cell the means for reading including means for charging a reading node associated with the selected memory cell with a charging voltage, means for biasing the selected memory cell with a biasing voltage, means for connecting the charged reading node with the biased selected memory cell, and means for sensing a voltage at the reading node after a predefined delay from the connection, for at least a first one of the reference voltages the biasing voltage being a first biasing voltage equal to the first reference voltage and the delay being a common first delay, wherein for at least a second one of the reference voltages the biasing voltage is a second biasing voltage different from the second reference voltage, and the delay is a second delay different from the first delay.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bovino, Angelo Brunico, IT 6 211
Micheloni, Rino Turate, IT 155 2644
Ravasio, Roberto Ponte San Pietro, IT 28 435

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