Card game monitoring system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11145158
APP PUB NO 20160335837A1





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The card game monitoring system has: a game table (1) on which bettors (2) put wagers (3) on betting areas (4); and a card shooter apparatus has a card reading unit to read and record the number (rank) and suit of the cards (6); and a control unit (7) to determine a winning hand according to a table game rules based on information of numbers (ranks) and suits of the cards sequentially read by the card reading unit (5); a monitor video camera system (8) to capture positions of cards and to identify wagers (3) on each betting area (4) at the game table (1); the control unit (10) has further processing function to check whether wagers (3) with payoff (3W) move to a pool (12) of the winner (W) of the bettors (2) determined by the card shooter apparatus (5) at the end of each game.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Shigeta, Yasushi Shiga, JP 403 2974

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