Apparatus and methods to build a reliable deep learning controller by imposing model constraints

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11740598
APP PUB NO 20220365497A1





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Deep learning models and other complex models provide accurate representations of complex industrial processes. However, these models often fail to satisfy properties needed for their use in closed loop systems such as Advanced Process Control. In particular, models need to satisfy gain-constraints. Methods and systems embodying the present invention create complex closed-loop compatible models. In one embodiment, a method creates a controller for an industrial process. The method includes accessing a model of an industrial process and receiving indication of at least one constraint. The method further includes constructing and solving an objective function based on at least one constraint and the model of the industrial process. The solution of the objective function defines a modified model of the industrial process that satisfies the received constraint and can be used to create a closed-loop controller to control the industrial process.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Keenan, Michael R Houston, US 15 388
Zheng, Qingsheng Quinn Sugar Land, US 9 121

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