Membrane magnetic separating apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6478955





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Water to be treated is passed through a membrane (net), magnetic floc positioned in a portion below a level of the water to be treated is deposited to a surface of the membrane, and the surface of the membrane with the magnetic floc deposited is moved to an atmospheric portion above the level of the water to be treated. In the atmospheric portion, excess water from the magnetic floc flows downward due to gravity to concentrate the magnetic floc. A permanent magnet is located near a position to which the membrane surface with the magnetic floc deposited thereon moves. There are further provided between the magnet and the membrane surface a moving body (shell) formed by a non-magnetic material, a spatula for scraping the magnetic floc from the moving body, and a sludge vessel in which a released magnetic floc is recovered.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Isogami, Hisashi Ushiku, JP 36 225
Morita, Minoru Abiko, JP 58 423
Saho, Norihide Tsuchiura, JP 50 747
Sano, Tadashi Ryugasaki, JP 64 538

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