Apparatus for positioning a camera in an object recognition system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6097029





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A system for recognizing objects is comprised of: 1) a camera that has a lens which is uncovered; 2) a housing which encloses the camera, and has a window for the lens; 3) a rotating means, which is inside of the housing and which carries the camera, for receiving electronic control signals and rotating the camera at different angles in response thereto; and, 4) a control means for generating the electronic control signals such that the rotating means selectively points the camera lens -a) through the window at any one of several predetermined angles, and b) inside of the housing at the surface for calibrating the camera. With this system, the objects that are recognized can be human faces at different heights relative to the window in the housing. By pointing the camera lens inside of the housing, the lens is protected from damage even though it is not covered; and a calibration surface inside of the housing enables the camera to be calibrated while the lens is protected.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Blackburn, Julian Garrard 1560 Coolcrest Ave., Upland, CA 91786 1 5
Downie, James 21231 Cythera, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 2 8
Harris, Craig Weaver 25596 Loganberry La., Lake Forest, CA 92630 4 16
Madison, Eddie Louis 26072 Ramjit Ct., Lake Forest, CA 92630 1 5
Moffat, George 22762 Foxborough Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630 1 5
Rinehart, Ulrike Helene 1521 Squires Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 1 5
Theis, Alan Thomas 21296 Tupelo, Lake Forest, CA 92630 1 5

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