Method of manufacturing light-emitting device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11527674
APP PUB NO 20210367096A1





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A method includes: bonding a surface of a first wafer on a side having a semiconductor layer to a surface of a second wafer on a side having a first electrode to electrically connect the semiconductor layer and the first electrode; etching a silicon substrate such that a first portion of the silicon substrate remains in a region overlapping with the first electrode in a plan view; etching the semiconductor layer using the first portion as a mask such that a portion of the semiconductor layer between the first portion and the first electrode remains as at least one light-emitting portion; forming a resin layer to cover a lateral surface of the first portion and a lateral surface of the light-emitting portion with the resin layer; removing the first portion to expose the light-emitting portion; and forming a light-transmissive electrically conductive film on or above the light-emitting portion.

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Nishiyama, Hirofumi Tokushima, JP 11 22

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jun 13, 2026
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