Systems, methods, and computer program products for inter-model processing and messaging communication responsive to electronic mail

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11159477
APP PUB NO 20200145365A1





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Inter-modal messaging communication is described. In one embodiment, a method of communication includes receiving an electronic mail message to be distributed and determining whether the electronic mail message is a multi-modal distribution message. Respective portions of the message may be separated for each mode of distribution. The separated portions may represent portions to be delivered by SMS messaging and facsimile, for example. The method further includes the steps of transmitting a short message comprising the short message portion of the mail message and establishing a conversation comprising conversation attributes. The conversation attributes are referenced, in certain aspects, to maintain a conversation between an originator of the received electronic mail message and a distribution address of short message portion of the mail message. For example, upon receipt of a short message in reply, the short message may be forwarded to an originator of the conversation.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kamens, Samuel N West Orange, US 22 178

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