Interspinous process spacer diagnostic balloon catheter and methods of use

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8317831
APP PUB NO 20110172596A1





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An interspinous process spacer diagnostic balloon catheter and method. The balloon catheter has a main expandable member, a distal expandable member and a proximal expandable member that all can be expanded from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration and then collapsed again to a collapsed configuration. The device can be used to determine whether a particular patient is a candidate for implantation of an interspinous process spacer to treat the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis and the size of such a spacer if indicated.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Auyoung, Bryan J Santa Clara, US 18 371
Osorio, Reynaldo A Daly City, US 29 3245

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