Fuel injection control device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11168640
APP PUB NO 20200362789A1





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A timing setting section sets a fuel injection timing in a second half of a compression stroke of an internal combustion engine, at a predetermined computation timing, which is set for each combustion cycle of the internal combustion engine, when an amount of a reduction target component in exhaust gas detected by an exhaust gas sensor is greater than or equal to a predetermined value, on condition that the internal combustion engine satisfies a predetermined high temperature condition. The fuel injection control device further includes an injection control unit to compute a fuel injection period based on the injection timing set by the timing set unit and to control the fuel injection valve based on the injection timing and the injection period.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kondo, Takahiro Kariya, JP 89 646

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