Voltage detecting apparatus for a hybrid electric vehicle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7589492
APP PUB NO 20070183195A1





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Providing a voltage detecting apparatus, which can detect rapidly a malfunction of a battery for a car structured by connecting a plurality of unit cells in series, a whole voltage value of both ends of a cell block corresponding a voltage detecting circuit assigned by a low-voltage CPU and a voltage value of both ends of the randomly selected unit cell are detected. When a difference of the whole voltage value and a product of multiplying the voltage value of the selected unit cell and a number of unit cells in the cell block are not less than a predetermined value, or when the whole voltage value or the product of multiplying the voltage value and the number of unit cells is out of a specification value range of the voltage value, it is judged that the battery malfunctions.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Iwasaki, Katsuyuki Shizuoka , JP 18 123
Ooishi, Manabu Shizuoka , JP 9 55

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