Method, system and computer program product for automated discovery and presentation of the direction of flow through components represented in a drawing set

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7212936
APP PUB NO 20050154558A1





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The method, system and computer program product for discovering a direction of flow through at least a portion of the components represented in the sheets of a drawing set includes providing an electronic representation of the sheets of the drawing set, automatically reviewing at least one sheet of the drawing set, including automatically recognizing at least one flow-related reference depicted in the sheets of the drawing set, determining a direction of flow through at least a portion of the components based upon at least one flow-related reference, and creating flow information associated with the electronic representation of the sheets of the drawing set that includes the direction of flow through at least a portion of the components. The electronic representation of the direction of flow through the portion of the components also may be viewed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Baum, Lawrence S Bellevue, WA 12 328
Boose, John H Bellevue, WA 10 340
Chaplin, Carey S Seattle, WA 5 59

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