System and method of individually pressurizing a plurality of air tubes to provide a pressure adjustable bed system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10352804
APP PUB NO 20180073948A1





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A method of individually pressurizing a plurality of air tubes includes the steps of providing a sealed tube body, a pressure sensor, an inlet/outlet valve for each of the plurality of air tubes, a control unit, and an air circulation system. The steps also involve retrieving an initial pressure setting for each of the plurality of air tubes with the control unit; measuring a current pressure within the sealed body; comparing the initial pressure setting to the current pressure for each of the plurality of air tubes; opening the inlet/outlet valve of an off-pressure tube and pumping air into the sealed tube body of the off-pressure tube with the air circulation system, if the current pressure is lower than the initial pressure setting; and opening the inlet/outlet valve of the off-pressure tube and releasing air out of the sealed tube body of the off-pressure tube with the air circulation system, if the current pressure is higher that the initial pressure setting.

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Moniaci, Douglas James Clarkston, US 1 2

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