Semiconductor device using inorganic film between wiring layer and bonding pad

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7385289
APP PUB NO 20040201102A1





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It is an object of the present invention to provide a semiconductor device that offers a desirable adhesiveness among the bonding pad, the second insulating layer and the insulating film, and that permits an insulating film formed between a bonding pad and the second wiring layer from being cracked even when stress is applied to the bonding pad from above. In a semiconductor integrated circuit 11a, other wirings 12 are formed so as to avoid the regions right under opposed edges 7a and 7b of the bonding pad 1 and opposed edges 9a and 9b of an inner lead 8. For example, the region in which the other wirings 12 can be formed is selected to be a region 13a between right under the edge 7a of the bonding pad 1 and right under the edge 9a of the inner lead 8, and the region 13b between right under the edge 7b and right under the edge 9b of the inner lead 8. A insulating film 5 formed above these other wirings 12 is made up of an inorganic insulating film only.

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Suzuki, Takehiro Kuwana, JP 43 316

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