Energy generating system using floor tiles and fluid/gas movement

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10851807





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An energy generating system that utilizes a movement of a fluid/gas includes a plurality of floor tiles, a fluid/gas, and a power generating unit. Preferably, the plurality of floor tiles is layered across an area with high foot traffic. The fluid/gas is confined in a fluid tank positioned underneath the plurality of floor tiles such that a pressure applied on the plurality of floor tiles is transferred onto the fluid/gas, and generates movement in the fluid/gas. The movement allows the fluid/gas to flow towards a plurality of turbines of the power generating unit through a piping network and a plenum passage, and rotate the plurality of turbines. The rotational movement of the turbines is converted into electrical energy by a generator of the power generating unit. The electrical output of the generator is stored in a battery bank.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Alkhateeb, Abdulhameed F Jeddah, SA 4 3
Bassi, Hussain Jeddah, SA 25 29

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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