Signal intensity matching of image sensors

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9237252
APP PUB NO 20130286451A1





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Disclosed is a method of processing signals from a large-format scanner comprising a first and a second image sensor that provide respective image signals recorded at respective areas of a scanned medium, where a portion of the respective areas is recorded also by the other of the respective image sensors, whereby image data from overlapping and non-overlapping areas are present in the respective signals; the method comprising: determining a first and a second level of intensity from image signals from the first and the second image sensor at the overlapping area, respectively; determining a compensation value by processing the first level of intensity and the second level of intensity to determine a discrepancy between the level of intensities; applying compensation values to image data from overlapping and non-overlapping areas to provide compensated image data to compensate for a discrepancy between levels of intensity from the first and the second image sensor.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Verhaegh, Gerard Hillerød, DK 5 53

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