Method and system for improved blockchain performance through aggregation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11775962
APP PUB NO 20200327537A1





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A method for periodic aggregation of blockchain transactions for reduced processing times and bandwidths includes: storing at least a cryptographic key pair comprising a private key and a public key and a plurality of unspent blockchain transactions, each unspent blockchain transaction including at least an output address and transaction amount; generating a digital signature using the private key; generating a recipient address using the public key; generating a new blockchain transaction after satisfaction of a trigger condition, the new blockchain transaction including each of the plurality of unspent blockchain transactions as inputs, the digital signature, the recipient address, and a transfer amount based on a summation of the transaction amount for each of the unspent blockchain transactions; and transmitting the new blockchain transaction to a node in a blockchain network.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Garg, Chandan Punjab, IN 47 201
Kumawat, Jaipal Singh Rajasthan, IN 62 350

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