Vapor-permeable element to be used in composing soles for shoes, sole provided with such vapor-permeable element, and shoe provided with such sole

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8276294
APP PUB NO 20090277047A1





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A vapor-permeable element to be used in a composition of soles for shoes, including: a supporting frame, which delimits substantially at least one through hole; a membrane impermeable to water and permeable to water vapor and arranged above the supporting frame so as to cover at least the through hole; at least one vapor-permeable or perforated protective layer for the membrane, arranged between the supporting frame and the membrane, so as to cover at least the through hole. The membrane and the protective layer are joined, at least at their perimetric edges, to each other and to the supporting frame. The protective layer, in cooperation with a tread of the sole with which it is associated, is available for contact with the ground during use of the sole.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • GEOX S.P.A.

International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Polegato, Moretti Mario Crocetta del Montello, IT 74 1153

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