Automatic resource ownership assignment system and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8875248





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A method for automatic folder ownership assignment, including ascertaining which first folders, among a first multiplicity of folders, have at least one of modify and write permissions to non-IT administration entities, adding the first folders to a list of candidates for ownership assignment, defining a second multiplicity of folders which is a subset of the first multiplicity of folders and not including the first folders and descendents and ancestors thereof, ascertaining which second folders among the second multiplicity of folders, have permissions to non-IT administration entities, adding the second folders to the candidates, defining a third multiplicity of folders, which is a subset of the second multiplicity of folders and not including the second folders and descendents and ancestors thereof, ascertaining which third folders among the third multiplicity of folders are topmost folders, adding the third folders to the candidates, and recommending possible assignment of ownership of the candidates.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Faitelson, Yakov Elkana, IL 93 1257
Korkus, Ohad Herzeliya, IL 88 1715
Kretzer-Katzir, Ophir Reut, IL 63 490

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