Network relay device and network relay method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8422493
APP PUB NO 20090304008A1





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A network relay device for relaying communication for a regular terminal via a port includes an acquiring module, a regular terminal information storing module, and a determination process module. The acquiring module acquires a regular layer 2 address, a regular layer 3 address, regular VLAN information representing a VLAN assigned to the regular terminal, and regular port information representing a port to which the regular terminal is connected. The regular terminal information storing module stores regular terminal information representing a combination of the acquired regular layer 2 address, the regular layer 3 address, the regular VLAN information, and the regular port information. The determination process module determines whether the combination of source layer 2 address, source layer 3 address, assigned VLAN, and reception port of target frame data received via the port is stored as the regular terminal information.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Akahane, Shinichi Hachioji, JP 54 1477
Kono, Tomohiko Yokohama, JP 7 82
Nara, Takao Yokohama, JP 8 183

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