Storage system and method for boundary wordline data retention handling

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11334256
APP PUB NO 20210240358A1





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A storage system and method for boundary wordline data retention handling are provided. In one embodiment, the storage system includes a memory having a single-level cell (SLC) block and a multi-level cell (MLC) block. The system determines if the boundary wordline in the MLC block has a data retention problem (e.g., by determining how long it has been since the boundary wordline was programmed). To address the data retention problem, the storage system can copy data from a wordline in the SLC block that corresponds to the boundary wordline in the MLC block to a wordline in another SLC block prior to de-committing the data in the SLC block. Alternatively, the storage system can reprogram the data in the boundary wordline using a double fine programing technique.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dhotre, Piyush A Bangalore, IN 4 4
Reusswig, Phil Mountain View, US 21 85
Sehgal, Rohit San Jose, US 37 216
Sharma, Sahil San Jose, US 50 315
Yang, Nian Niles Mountain View, US 80 1003

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