Control device for a bicycle derailleur

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8424414





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The integrated control device (1) for driving the control cable (20) of the derailleur and the brake cable (16) of a bicycle is provided. The device having a support body (4) connectable to the handlebar (2) and that can be gripped by the cyclist's hand, a cable-winding bush (19) about which the control cable (20) of the derailleur is wound/unwound and a first lever (9) rotatable with respect to the support body (4) about a first axis (X1) for actuating the brake cable (16) and rotatable about a second axis (X2) to drive the cable-winding bush (19) into rotation in a first direction of rotation (R2). An indexing mechanism (12) connected to the first lever (9) cooperates with the cable-winding bush (19) to define predetermined angular positions therefor. The support body (4) having a recess (25) for the passage of the control cable (20) of the derailleur.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dal, Prà Giuseppe Zané, IT 13 53

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