Virtual image/real image superimposing and displaying apparatus, and slot machine

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6638165
APP PUB NO 20020077172A1





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A virtual image/real image superimposing and displaying apparatus for displaying a virtual image and an actual substance includes image display (13) for displaying an image from which a virtual image originates; a half mirror (1g) which forms the virtual image (7) on the basis of the image displayed by the image display (13); a communications section (9) which enables movement of an actual substance 1m from a back side of the virtual image to a front side of the same so as to penetrate therethrough; and a mechanical reel portion (6) having a plurality of spinning drums (6d1, 6d2, and 6d3) which have marks, such as numbers and symbols, printed on a circumferential surface thereof and spin independently of each other. The actual substance 1m is paid out so as to penetrate through a virtual image from its back to front and becomes visible only when the actual substance is moved to the front side of the virtual image.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Goto, Nobuhiro Tokyo, JP 35 288
Muto, Nobuhito Tokyo, JP 1 76
Toriyama, Ryosuke Tokyo, JP 14 306
Uchiyama, Takashi Tokyo, JP 78 816
Yasuda, Shingo Tokyo, JP 25 182

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