Output driver for an integrated circuit and method for driving an output driver

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7145369





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One embodiment of the invention provides an output driver for an integrated circuit. The output driver has a driver circuit for driving an input signal onto an output line. The driver circuit is dimensioned in such a way as to supply a current intensity dependent on the input signal to be driven and/or a potential dependent on the input signal to be driven on the output line. The current value and/or the potential value lie in a current intensity range and/or potential range defined by a predetermined specification. The driver strength of the driver circuit may be set in accordance with a control signal. A measuring circuit is provided to measure the current intensity of the current flowing on the output line and/or the potential of the output line. A control circuit serves for setting the driver strength of the driver circuit so that the potential on the output line is set to a potential value and/or the current intensity is set to a current value, wherein the set potential value and the set current value may lie in a lower power range of the current intensity range and/or potential range prescribed by the specification.

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Dickman, Rory Regensburg, DE 9 97

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